Nestled in the shadows of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, WoodMill Vineyard is surrounded by the natural beauty, tranquility, and charm of the rolling foothills of Vale, North Carolina. Each spring, the hills are brought to life as an emerald green canopy of vines reach for the heavens and gather sunlight to flavor the sweet southern grape known as the Muscadine. Recognized for their extraordinary flavors, Muscadines are notorious for producing exceptional jellies, desserts, and the popular but often elusive southern indulgence known as Muscadine Wine. Located in Vale, North Carolina, WoodMill Winery is the perfect place to visit with friends & family. Offering some of the best wine in the world made from Muscadines, Scuppernongs, Blackberries & Blueberries. Visit WoodMill Winery with friends & family. Tour our beautiful vineyards and taste one of our world famous wines made from muscadines, scuppernongs, blackberries & blueberries. We're open from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, and 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Sunday.