A transformation is happening at the Hickory Metro Convention Center with the renovation and expansion project underway now for seven months. Despite the chilly and rainy weather, the crews made a lot of progress in December.
Addition Update:
Masonry work started and continues on the exterior walls of the expansion, blending in well with the existing Hickory Metro Convention Center brickwork. Crews began electrical work inside the 35,000-square-foot addition, which will eventually hold a sports venue/expo space.
Located directly in front of the sports venue/expo space, crews are constructing a 2,500-square-foot multi-purpose space. This pre-function room will boast floor-to-ceiling windows along the front wall allowing for natural light along with self-contained restrooms, a catering kitchen, a conference room, and access to an outdoor patio. Conversations about the overall design and aesthetic for this space continue with plans to feature the importance of the furniture manufacturing industry as told through pictures and video.
Catawba Meeting Room Renovation Update:
The Catawba room renovations continue with the installation of ceiling grids, electrical units, and plumbing infrastructure in the restrooms. A recent development with this project is the installment of the new moveable wall track system. The renovated Catawba space will now feature two permanent meeting rooms (Catawba 1 & 2), each a little more than 1,000 square feet, then a larger 22,267 square foot space that can be divided via the moveable wall system into four, three, two rooms, or one large room.
Additional Updates:
The new meeting room located at the end of the main Hickory hallway received its first coat of paint and part of the accent cabinetry. Revamping this underutilized space into a small meeting room is a great addition.
Parking Update:
Street markings and flags are now being placed along the street in front of the Hickory Metro Convention Center (13th Ave. Dr. SE) to prepare for the upcoming construction of additional on-street parking spaces to accommodate guests at the convention center. Work on the new 64 spaces should begin in early January 2024.
New Parking Options: Additional parking lots are open on or near the Hickory Metro Convention Center campus. There are three lots: 1. blue, 2. green, and 3. yellow. As always, our parking is free to you. For vendors, the unloading and loading areas have changed a bit as shown on the map above. Please be patient with each other as you are unloading. This "positive interruption" will only be for a short while and we appreciate and thank you for your patience.
Meetings and events are still being held at the convention center during this time of progress. Please remember to "Bear With Us" as we are all a part of this expansion and renovation. A minor inconvenience right now will bring significant growth in the future. If you have any questions, please call 828-322-1335.